Thinners and Solvents

With over 25 years of experience in the solvent industry, PPS Global has been consistently providing innovative and quality solvents and thinners to the industry. Xylene, Acetone and toluene are some of our leading products. These solvents have wide applications in the printing, coating, paint and polymer industries. Xylene that we supply is an aromatic hydrocarbon chemical used as an ingredient in many industrial chemical formulations and can be found in coatings, adhesives, detergents, cleaners and dyes among others.

We are committed to finding innovative ways to meet client needs through high quality products, services, value pricing and responsiveness. We maintain a strategic vision for growth, meeting changing client needs through innovation. We have adopted quality control that are built upon safety, compliance with regulations and performance objectives. Our business is based on trust, value, integrity and profit seeking partnerships with clients around the Houston, Texas area.

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Delivering the products you need is just the beginning. PPS Global Supply goes beyond to deliver service that allows you to achieve optimization, efficiency and productivity. We are the industry’s preferred supply-chain partner, because the customer comes first.



Lacquer Thinner

M.E.K (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)

M.I.B.K (Methyl Isobutyl Ketone)

Custom Blends

VM+P Naphtha (Varnish Makers and Painters)

Aromatic 100


Certifications & Association

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